In my last post, I provided information about maintaining a dirt road so that it could be used easily for many years to come.
In this post, details pertaining to a cob house are provided.
Perhaps you have never heard of cob houses –
These are structures built typically of clay, straw, and sand. This composition provides for the structure, insulation, and exterior/interior of the house.
If built correctly, cob houses will last many years (there are houses in Europe from centuries ago that are still standing).
Durability – One interesting fact I ran into –
I was always concerned regarding mold developing in these natural earthen materials. One individual said that if water is kept off of the structure and if the structure is built solidly of the cob (e.g. – no concrete, etc.), the house is able to “breathe,” and mold is not an issue. In addition, it breathes better if the cob is directly on the ground.
Unfamiliar with cob houses? Want to see one in use?
Have a look at this video for great information.
Highly-recommended article about constructing cob structures: