Who would want a fool-proof method to get rid of hiccups?
If you are like me, I dread the thought of getting such a distracting occurrence during probably the most inopportune of times: My brain thinks such horrendousness could occur:
- In the middle of a concert (imagine a symphony), then suddenly hic-CUP! Yikes!
- At church
- During a job interview
Or any other most inopportune time!
Thankfully, none of the above have occurred, but I would love a remedy to get rid of such a plight as quickly as possible if it were to occur.
I just read the following (warning: have not personally tried it yet so don’t know if effective) and had to share with you all!
How to get rid of hiccups:
1.) Place a butter knife in a glass of water
2.) Keep the other end of the knife in contact with your forehead while drinking the water

Sounds interesting. It is touted as tried & true. Well, we shall see when the next bout of hiccups arrives!