Have you ever wondered the cause or contributing factors to diseases that are common now-a-days?
In doing a search on Parkinson’s disease, I ran across the following article that I know you will like.
“Consumption of Dairy Products and Risk of Parkinson’s Disease”
In summary,
“Dairy product consumption was positively associated with risk of Parkinson’s disease.”
Hmmm! Wow! Interesting!
In fact, I had seen increased problems in an individual when they increased or consumed milk. Yikes!
We eliminated milk and many Parkinson’s symptoms were lessened by about the three day mark.
O.K. Now your brain is probably thinking like mine – “What is it in milk that is causing the problem?”

In rereading the article, my hypothesis was that potentially the pesticides/chemicals in milk are causing extra problems. (see previous post)
The article actually goes on to state:
“One possibility is that dairy products in the United States are contaminated with neurotoxic chemicals. . . .
. . . and postmortem studies have found higher levels of organochlorines, polychlorinated biphenyls, and dieldrin in the brains of Parkinson’s disease patients than in control brains.”
American Journal of Epidemiology, Vol 165, Issue 9, 1 May 2007
Here are links to the study:
American Journal of Epidemiology
U.S. National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health